[XPath] Consistency of Appendix A Grammar presentation for Functi onName


Section A.1.1 and A.2.1 provide helpful grammar notes that are clearly
visible in the preceding BNF.

Section A.3 provides equally significant clarification that does not.
For no very obvious reason gratuitous ElementName and AttributeName
aliases for QName are provided, yet there is no FunctionName to which the
A.3 text should be annotated.

Therefore please replace QName by FunctionName in FunctionCall and
add e.g.

FunctionName ::= QName /* A.3 reserved names */ 

		Ed Willink

E.D.Willink,                             Email: mailto:EdWillink@iee.org
Thales Research and Technology (UK) Ltd, Tel:  +44 118 923 8278 (direct)
Worton Drive,                            or  +44 118 986 8601 (ext 8278)
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ENGLAND          http://www.computing.surrey.ac.uk/personal/pg/E.Willink

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2004 04:42:08 UTC