Re: [XQuery] A.2.2 Lexical Rules: pattern conflicts

Hi Michael.  Your last call comment in [1] has been given the IDs 
qt-2004Jan0241-01, qt-2004Jan0241-02, qt-2004Jan0241-03, and 
qt-2004Jan0241-04.  This is the official response from the XQuery and XSLT 
working groups.

> conflict between QName and all the single-keyword patterns
> (e.g., "external", "skip", "default").
> (Luckily, this appears to have an easy fix: simply delete QName
> from the state: I don't think it's valid here.)

This has been classified as an error and has been fixed by removing QName 
(along with several other you name in another mail) from the OPERATOR 

> conflict between QName and the keywords "context" & "global".

This has been classified as an error and has been fixed by removing 
"context" and "global" from the KINDTEST state.

> conflict between ExprCommentContent, PragmaContents,
> and ExtensionContents.
> (Fix: They're all defined to be Char, so you could just replace them
> with Char in the EBNF and here.)
> conflict between QName and the keywords "pragma" & "extension".

These have been classified as errors and have been fixed by some general 
rework of the extension EBNF and the creation of a EXT_CONTENT state.  We 
choose to keep the productions wrapped around Char for exposition 
purposes.  The relevant productions and tables will now read (hope this 
formats enough to be understandable):

[1]     Pragma     ::=          "(::" "pragma" QName ExtensionContents* 
"::)"   /* gn: parens */
[2]     MUExtension        ::=          "(::" "extension" QName 
ExtensionContents* "::)"        /* gn: parens */
[3]     ExprComment        ::=          "(:" (ExprCommentContent | 
ExprComment)* ":)"      /* gn: comments */
[4]     ExprCommentContent         ::=          Char    /* gn: parens */
[5]     ExtensionContents          ::=          Char

    Pattern     Transition To State
    ":)"                         popState()
    "(:"                       EXPR_COMMENT  pushState()
    "(::"                      EXT_KEY   pushState()
    ExprCommentContent         (maintain state)

    Pattern                   Transition To State
    "::)"                                     popState()
    ExtensionContents    (maintain state)

The EXT_KEY State
    Pattern                                Transition To State
    "pragma", "extension"                  EXT_NAME

The EXT_NAME State
    Pattern     Transition To State
    QName       EXT_CONTENT

Thank you for raising the comment.  I would be grateful if you would 
confirm that this provides an adequate resolution.

-Scott Boag


Received on Monday, 26 January 2004 01:16:01 UTC