ORA-DM-287-B: How is a processing instruction target with a colon converted into the data model?

SECTION 6.5.3: Processing instruction information items

Under "target" it says that the value of the target property in 
the data model is the same as the value of the [target] property
in the Infoset.  However, the Infoset allows an arbitrary Name
for this value (see XML 1.0 section 2.6 rule [17]) which means
that a target can have arbitrarily many colons.  The Namespaces
recommendation did not limit this.  On the other hand, the 
XQuery data model limits targets to NCName (no colons).  What 
happens when a processing instruction containing one or more
colons is loaded into the data model?  This should be specified.
(See also comment re: 6.5.1)

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 17:28:21 UTC