ORA-DM-286-B: Processing instruction targets are not NCNames in XML 1.0

SECTION 6.5.1: Overview (of processing instructions)

It says that the target property must be an NCName.
XML 1.0 only requires the target to be a Name, ie, permits any
number of colons.  Oddly, Namespaces 1.0 has nothing to say about
the target of processing instructions.  It seems like the target
of a processing instruction should be allowed to be a Name, since
that is the only restriction in XML 1.0 + Namespaces 1.0; or
at least a QName, which would be a restriction in the spirit if
not the letter of Namespaces 1.0.
(see also comment re: 6.5.3)

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 17:27:35 UTC