Re: [XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-084

Hi, Michael,

Consider the following example:

declare namespace b="uri1";
<a xmlns:b="uri2">{
  <b:c>What is the name of this element?</b:c>

I would like the expanded name of b:c to be the same for the element 
constructor and the path expression, since they occur in the same 
context. Your proposal would require them to be different.


Michael Rys wrote:

>Section Namespace Declaration Attributes	
>Namespace declaration attributes should not affect the in-scope
>namespace static context for expressions. We think that only the ones in
>the prolog should affect the namespace prefixes inside expressions. 
>We find the following semantics to be confusing: 
>declare namespace b="uri1"; <a xmlns:b="uri2">{/b:c}</a> will look for
>{uri2}:c and not {uri1:c}. "uri2" should only affect the construction
>The same should then also hold for the computed constructors.
>Thus, we would like to have the following behaviour:
>Namespace declaration in prolog: Provides static namespace prefix
>bindings for both constructors and expressions
>Namespace declaration on construction: Provides static namespace prefix
>bindings for constructors only, not for embedded expressions.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 14:30:40 UTC