The semantics of fn:translate now read:
"Every character in the value of $arg that appears at some position M in
the value of $mapString, where the value of $transString is less than M
characters in length, is omitted from the returned value. If $mapString
is the zero-length string $arg is returned."
The first sentence covers the case where $transString is the zero-length
string. Characters in $arg that appear in $mapString would be removed.
The second sentence covers the case where $mapString is the zero-length
All the best, Ashok
[] On Behalf Of Stephen Buxton
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 7:57 AM
Subject: ORA-FO-TRANSLATE 7.4.14: fn:translate
Functions and Operators, Section 7.4.14: fn:translate says that the
result is the empty sequence if $transstring or $mapstring is the empty
sequence. This is not intuitive.
If $mapstring is the empty sequence, then the result should be $srcval.
If $transstring is the empty sequence, then the result should be
$srcval minus the characters in $mapstring
[either definition would make sense].