RE: WD-xpath-functions-20030502: casting xs:QName

> > There are still a few situations in XQuery where the static 
> namespace
> > context needs to be retained at run-time. An example is in computed 
> > element constructors where a construct such as the following is 
> > permitted:
> >
> > element { if (b) then "b:name" else "c:name" } {3}
> this is not a use case.

I didn't say it was a use case. I only pointed it out as an example of where
the current facility is used, and where some people might argue that the
extra convenience to the user is worth the inconvenience to the implementor.
This is a balance we have to weigh up all the time, and it is silly to
pretend that there is an obviously correct answer.

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 27 October 2003 10:11:43 UTC