Re: WD-xpath-functions-20030502: casting xs:QName

On Monday, Oct 27, 2003, at 12:55 Europe/Berlin, Kay, Michael wrote:
> >
> >
> > with reference to:
> >
> > 17.14 casting to xs:Qname
> >
> > what is the use case for casting from a string to a universal name.
> We have decided to remove this functionality, it will disappear in the 
> next draft.
> >
> > until those aspects of the operations on qualified names
> > which specify
> > support for dynamic contexts are motivated by specific use cases
> There are still a few situations in XQuery where the static namespace 
> context needs to be retained at run-time. An example is in computed 
> element constructors where a construct such as the following is 
> permitted:
> element { if (b) then "b:name" else "c:name" } {3}

this is not a use case. it lacks any argument for the necessity of 
using a (prefix x local-part) combination to designate the universal 
name in stead of using a (uri x local-part) combination. in order to be 
a sufficient use case, it must demonstrate why the same 
encoding/decoding requirements could be met by a language which 
supported (uri x local-part) expressions only.

in light of the complexity, and ultimately the futility, of the 
proposed in-scope namespace mechanism, the requirements for supporting 
the former formulation must be derive from a more essential argument 
than syntactic serendipity.

> Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 27 October 2003 08:17:24 UTC