Re: Partial type-assignment and ambiguous RELAX NG schema


Thanks for your quick reply.

> Every element or attribute node in the data model has a type annotation. 
> This type annotation may name a very general type, such as xs:anyType, or 
> it may convey that a node is untyped, e.g. xdt:untypedAny. Would assigning 
> a very general type meet your needs?

This is fine to me.  Is it possible to provide an informative appendix 
for such ambiguous RELAX NG schemas?

> >We cannot uniquely determine the type of the two <a>s in the document,
> >but we can determine the type of the two <b>s.  Obviously, they are
> >of the type xsd:int.  Does the data type spec allow such partial type
> >assignment?
> You could assign the nearest common root type to the two <a>s, which may be 
> as general as xs:anyType. I don't know what you want to do with this data, 
> so I can't tell if this is adequate. If the types are atomic types, then 
> assigning a very general type and relying on XQuery's implicit casts could 
> do the trick.

For example, I would like to write a query 

  for $a in doc("")/root/a
  where op:numeric-equal($a/b, 10)


Static analysis should not cause a type error.  The output schema 
should be as follows.

start = element imageCollection {b*}
b = element b {xsd:int}


MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) <>

Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2003 10:50:51 UTC