Re: XQuery


This looks to me like it it's becoming a very interesting discussion.
Thanks to all who contributed.

Let met summarize what we have achieved so far:

1) We detected indeterminism in XQuery.
   (Thanks to Michael Brundage and Michael Rys)
   In fact this indeterminism may show up
   a) in different implementations of XQuery.
   b) within the same implementation if (e.g. over time due to changing statistics)
      different query evaluation plans are chosen.

   My oppinion on indeterminism (and I think Michael Brundage might agree):
     Indeterminism sucks!
   I don't know any programming language that is indeterministic.
   Assume Java would be. How about debugging? Portability? Maintainability? Applets? Nightmare!
   Query languages should be deterministic for the same reason.

2) Some of us would like the query not to fail.

   Just as a reminder:
     <?xml version = "1.0"?>
      <person name="anton" age="two and a half"/>
      <person name="anna"  age = "3"/>
     for $p in document("p.xml")//person
     where $p/@age = 3
     return $p/@name

  Let me quote some Michaels on the issue:
  Michael Kay: "I think the comparison should return false."
  Michael Rys: "Making the expression to fail with false would be nice, but the problem
                is that the cast raises the error before we get to the comparison."

  I would like to argue that returning false is *NOT* a good solution.
  But first, let us assume that returning false is a good solution.
  Then, we would have to implement this solution and define a semantics for it.
  How do we implement it. As was pointed out by Michael Rys. It is not the comparison that
  raises the exception. It is the conversion operator. Hence, the comparison would have
  to catch the exception and return false. The question now is, which exceptions should
  the comparison catch? There might be many and it may not be all exceptions.
  This is nasty to implement. Difficult to understand for an XQuery user and
  the semantics will be a mass.

  This was my first argument against returning false.
  Here comes my second argument.
  Consider the following query:

   for $p in document("p.xml")//person
   where not($p/@age = 3)
   return $p/@name

  You might not agree but in my oppinion this query should return the empty sequence.
  Why? Definitely, Anna's age is three and hence here element should not qualify.
  Anton's age is "two and a half". We can't convert this to a number. Hence, the
  true age of Anton is unknown to the system. It may be 3 but it may also not be.
  This becomes more obvious if you change Anton's age to "three".

  Hence, the only choice I see is to let the conversion return NULL.
  Comparison with NULL always gives "UNKNOWN" (not "true", not "false").
  Any query language I know of states that only those variables bindings qualify for
  which the evaluation of the predicate stated in the "where" clause returns "true".
  Those returning "false" or "unknown" don't qualify.

  Now, comes my next argument why introducing NULL and three-valued logic into XQuery is
  a good idea.
  Obviously, there is something wrong with the document.
  And as was correctly pointed out by Michael Kay:
  "...there are many constraints that
   cannot be expressed in a schema or DTD - not only cross-document
   constraints, but also contextual constraints (a date must be in the future)
   and constraints that are too complex to express in a given schema language
   (e.g. if @x=1 then @y must be present)."
  Further, I know a company that makes a living out of providing tools for checking
  consistency/integrity of document collections.
  Now, XQuery comes into play.
  Assume that I'm suspicious about my above document.
  Can I check that with simple XQuery?
  I can easily, if we have NULL values:

    for $p in document("p.xml")//person
    where is_null((number) $p/@age)  /* not exactly XQuery syntax, sorry */
    return $p/@name

  Hence, even for somewhat inconsistent documents that might very well exist
  due to evolution over time, integration from different source, conversions, ...
  I know have a powerful tool (XQuery) to find out about those parts that are not
  exactly what they should be.

  After writing this, I really look forward to your arguments
  a) in favor of Indeterminism
  b) against NULL and three-valued logic.


Received on Thursday, 16 October 2003 05:22:38 UTC