Re: XML Schema WG comments on Functions and Operators

 From XML Schema comments, section 2.8:
>>     In particular, some members of the XML Schema WG were surprised 
>> to see
>>     that your algorithm escapes the percent sign in some cases but not
>>     others; this does not seem to be a feature of the algorithm given 
>> by
>>     XML Linking and by the Character Model.

 From Ashok:
> ...A little later RFC 2396 says
> " Because the percent "%" character always has the reserved purpose of
>    being the escape indicator, it must be escaped as "%25" in order to
>    be used as data within a URI."
> Our reading of this rule is that the % must be escaped unless it is 
> the start of an escape sequence %HH.
> This reading of 2396 was the basis of the rule in the F&O which says
> ".... The PERCENT SIGN "%" character itself is escaped only if it is 
> not followed by two hexadecimal digits (that is, 0-9, a-f and A-F)."

I think the group's concern about percent was that the algorithm treats 
all occurrences of %HH as pre-escaped characters which means that some 
strings containing percent cannot be escaped by fn:escape-uri().  
Consider the two resource names:


fn:escape-uri() will change the former to "10%25GOOD.HTML", but the 
latter will remain unchanged and won't work when fed to some unescaping 
processor.  This is a pretty unlikely case, and maybe the F&O 
intentionally does not handle it, preferring to assume that the 
incoming string to the escape-uri function is already escaped to some 
degree. (Maybe the F&O function should be called 

As I understand it, both the XML Linking specification and RFC 2396 
would have the percent converted to "%25" in both names of my example.


Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 10:15:26 UTC