RE: [F&O] 15. Functions and operations on sequences -- Editorial

--- Ashok Malhotra <> wrote:
> Apologies for not responding to your earlier comment.  Your suggestion
> has merit but I'm having a difficult time coming up with a suitable
> alternate title.  Please make a suggestion!

Looking at the groups of functions in section:

  15 Functions and Operators on Sequences

one can conclude that there are four groups of functions:

    15.2 Equals, Union, Intersection and Except
    These are all functions on sequences of nodes -- it might be better to
indicate this fact in the title of 15.2:

    15.2 Functions and operators on sequences of nodes: deep-equal, Union,

         Intersection and Except

    15.3 Aggregate Functions

    15.4 Functions and Operators that Generate Sequences

The first group of functions (15.1) is the largest and consists of
functions and one operator, that act on any sequence.

It seems reasonable  that they be called:

    15.1 Functions and operators on any sequence


    15.1 General functions and operators on sequences

Also, it seems to me that the three functions:

        15.1.1 fn:zero-or-one
        15.1.2 fn:one-or-more
        15.1.3 fn:exactly-one
form a separate group and should be grouped either under a separate
sub-section or even better -- moved to section 17 Casting.

A last comment is that the function:

        15.1.4 fn:boolean

does not seem sequence-specific, therefore its place in section 15 is

Thank you,

Dimitre Novatchev.

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Received on Friday, 28 November 2003 15:26:07 UTC