RE: [F&O] 15. Functions and operations on sequences -- Editorial

Apologies for not responding to your earlier comment.  Your suggestion
has merit but I'm having a difficult time coming up with a suitable
alternate title.  Please make a suggestion!

All the best, Ashok

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dimitre
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 4:32 AM
Subject: [F&O] 15. Functions and operations on sequences -- Editorial

DN-FO-01: 15. Functions and operations on sequences

Class: Editorial

At present Chapter 15 has the following naming and structure:

15 Functions and Operators on Sequences
    15.1 Functions and Operators on Sequences
        15.1.1 fn:zero-or-one
        15.1.2 fn:one-or-more
        15.1.3 fn:exactly-one
        15.1.4 fn:boolean
        15.1.5 op:concatenate
        15.1.6 fn:index-of
        15.1.7 fn:empty
        15.1.8 fn:exists
        15.1.9 fn:distinct-values
        15.1.10 fn:insert-before
        15.1.11 fn:remove
        15.1.12 fn:reverse
        15.1.13 fn:subsequence
        15.1.14 fn:unordered
    15.2 Equals, Union, Intersection and Except
        15.2.1 fn:deep-equal
        15.2.2 op:union
        15.2.3 op:intersect
        15.2.4 op:except
    15.3 Aggregate Functions
        15.3.1 fn:count
        15.3.2 fn:avg
        15.3.3 fn:max
        15.3.4 fn:min
        15.3.5 fn:sum
    15.4 Functions and Operators that Generate Sequences
        15.4.1 op:to
        15.4.2 fn:id
        15.4.3 fn:idref
        15.4.4 fn:doc
        15.4.5 fn:collection

Section 15.1 has exactly the same title as the whole chapter. Because
the other sections in the chapter have other titles, the reader may
wonder whether only the functions in section 1.1 really operate on

Solution: Change the title of section 15.1 to something more specific.

Dimitre Novatchev.

P.S. This was essentially my comment from 23 June 2003.

Nothing has changed in the new version of the WD... Hope this time there
would be at least a response.

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Received on Friday, 28 November 2003 14:40:22 UTC