RE: TR/xquery-operators/#func-doc

> M Rys wrote:
> >
> > You have to understand that XQuery has no problem with the 99% use
> > fn:document that takes a URI and returns a document.
> I dislike the mandate Michael.
> I keep repeating; xquery can do as it likes.
> I do however, care about xslt+xpath and the negative impact that
> is having on it.

[Michael Rys] Well, I see people that want to have as little difference
among the shared functionality as possible. And in this case, a way to
deprecate an XSLT functionality that they considered too complex.

Note that fn:doc() was not forced on the XPath/XSLT community by XQuery.
It was decided in the XPath gremium (jointly-owned by XSLT and XQuery)
that it is a good function to have in XPATH (not XQuery).

> > However,
> > fn:document has so many special cases that are almost never used
> ?by whom?
>   On what evidence do you make that assumption?

[Michael Rys] On the evidence of several thousand users of different
XSLT engines.
> > but
> > complicate the functionality, that we felt fn:doc() is
> > providing the 99%
> > functionality without all the additional baggage.
> >
> > You could see this to be the first stage of a deprecation of
> > fn:document() in XPath. First, we provide a simpler function.
> > In a later
> > version, fn:document() may be removed.
> And screw all the xslt+xpath users of document()?
> That's real good standards developments. I hope you feel proud.
> That's a quote worth keeping for AC forum.

[Michael Rys] Can you please stop these ad hominem attacks? If not, I
will stop answering your posts, since I do not feel I can have a dialog
with somebody that only insults and demands, but seems to be unable to

Every product and standard will want to deprecate functionality over
time that has proven to be too complex for the user value it delivers. I
think the approach of adding a simpler version early and recommend the
simpler version and SLOWLY, OVER TIME start to deprecate the old
functionality is a good approach. You seem to disagree, so I ask you,
how many standards did you develop that went beyond their v1? How many

> >
> > At least that's how I personally see the reason for keeping both in
> > XPath.
> I'm glad that's a personal view and not that of the WG.
> regards DaveP
> *** snip here ***
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