Re: copy/paste error

Michael, et al,

Because there are a pretty large number of documents currently out for 
review in the XQuery/XSLT/XPath space, it would be very helpful is each 
comment at least stated the specific document to which the comment 
applies.  In this case, of course, we can make an educated guess that is 
confirmed by examining the document we have guessed to be the intended 
one.  In other cases, it might require that we search several documents.

On the other hand, I really appreciate your identification of the relevant 
section both by number and by title --- that makes it far easier to be sure 
that we locate the section where you found the problem or have a question 
and helps protect against a typographical error in (for example) just the 
number --- e.g., if you had accidentally typed "section 6.4.1" when you 
meant to type "4.6.1".


At 09:32 2003-05-14 -0400 Wednesday, Blackstone Michael E wrote:

>In section 4.6.1, Overview (of Processing Instructions), the sentence
>"Namespace nodes must satisfy the following constraints."
>should be
>"Processing instruction nodes must satisfy the following constraints."

Jim Melton --- Editor of ISO/IEC 9075-* (SQL)     Phone: +1.801.942.0144
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Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2003 15:10:36 UTC