Re: XPath Data Model proposal

Michael Rys scripsit:

> [Michael Rys] Promoting unknown types to xs:anyType and xs:anySimpleType
> does not work if you want to be able to have different semantics for
> typed data (strong typing) and untyped data (weak typing) and want to
> make a distinction between the most specific type being untyped and the
> most specific statically given type being the most general type.

That may be, but it isn't what 3.6 says:

# If the expanded-QName that results from this derivation is not available
# in the processor's In-Scope Schema Definitions, the expanded-QName
# is promoted to xs:anyType for elements or xs:anySimpleType for
# attributes. This can occur, for example, if the processor does not
# support the schema import feature or if it was unable to import the
# necessary schema.

Based on the indentation, this clause is in effect whether PSVI typing
is available or not.

> That the PSVI and data model is preserving xsi:nil/xsi:type as
> attributes in addition to adding information about their values to the
> element/attribute nodes is already bad enough. But having to recognize
> them even if you do not provide a validation step before is bad. And
> requiring the data model now to perform its own validation flies into
> the face of composable specs that so many people want from the W3C.

As Jeni notes in ,
processors already have to do datatype validation to support union types
and casts.

John Cowan  <>
        Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er nicht.
                --Albert Einstein

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 16:33:30 UTC