RE: ORA-FO-INDENT 17.8 Casting to numeric types


This section was complex and difficult to follow so we decided to break
it up into 4 separate sections.

I believe the problem you refer to is now gone, but please take a look
at the next version and double check.

All the best, Ashok 


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Buxton
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 7:39 AM
Subject: ORA-FO-INDENT 17.8 Casting to numeric types 


Functions and Operators, Section 17.8 Casting to numeric types 

In item 1, the 6th 'outer' or 'hollow' bullet ("If ST is
xdt:untypedAtomic, xs:anySimpleType or xs:string or a type derived from
xs:string, SV is converted to an intermediate value IV of type
:string,SVisconvertedtoanintermediatevalueIVoftypexs:token.> ) is
followed by 4 additional 'outer' or 'hollow' bullets; those final 4
bullets should be indented as 'inner' or 'solid' bullets under the 6th
'outer' or 'hollow' bullet.

Received on Thursday, 24 July 2003 16:42:50 UTC