RE: Errata to the errata

Thanks, Michael!  This occurred the text from moved from the approved
version to the 2nd edition.  The WG agreed that it was a bug and needed
to be fixed.   

All the best, Ashok

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Brundage []
> Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 1:28 PM
> To:
> Cc: Ashok Malhotra
> Subject: Errata to the errata
> Looking at
> In the item E2-9 Clarification, the canonical form for xs:base64Binary
> contains an error:
> B64line                 ::=  B64x15 B64x15 B64x15 B64x15 B64 #xA
>                             /* 76 Base64 characters followed by
newline */
> But, as you can clearly see, there are only 4 groupings of 15 followed
> one additional character, so there are 61 characters instead of 76.
> Apparently the canonical form should be:
> B64line                 ::=  B64x15 B64x15 B64x15 B64x15 B64x15 B64
>                             /* 76 Base64 characters followed by
newline */
> I also suspect the trailing new line is an error; shouldn't the very
> newline character be omitted?
> This affects the XQuery expression
> declare variable $b as xs:base64Binary external
> $b cast as xs:string
> Cheers,
> Michael Brundage
> Writing as
> Author, "XQuery: The XML Query Language" (Addison-Wesley, to appear
> Co-author, "Professional XML Databases" (Wrox Press, 2000)
> not as
> Technical Lead
> Common Query Runtime/XML Query Processing
> WebData XML Team
> Microsoft

Received on Monday, 7 July 2003 07:25:30 UTC