RE: ORA-FO-MAXMIN-NODES 15.3.3 fn:max, 15.3.4 fn:min

These functions are defined on atomic values, which ensures that the
function-calling mechanism atomizes the arguments. You can always supply
nodes (of the right type) to functions that expect atomic values.
Michael Kay
 -----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Buxton [] 
Sent: 01 July 2003 02:10
Subject: ORA-FO-MAXMIN-NODES 15.3.3 fn:max, 15.3.4 fn:min 

Functions and Operators, Section 15.3.3 fn:max <fn:max> , 15.3.4 fn:min

Why aren't these defined on nodes ? 
It makes sense to operate on nodes that have simple content.

Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2003 13:50:52 UTC