Re: namespace nodes in element content

Kay, Michael wrote:

> XQuery does not provide the namespace axis, and does not provide any 
> other construct that allows you to get your hands on a namespace node. 
> Therefore, the sequence that provides the content for a new element can 
> never contain namespace nodes, except in the very limited and controlled 
> way allowed by computed namespace constructors.

That wasn't the issue I've asked about.  I was asking why not allow:

let $n := namespace metric {""}
   attribute {"metric:unit"} {"meter},

However, I now see the following sentence which I overlooked before:

   The immediately enclosing expression of the computed namespace
   constructor must be a computed element constructor; otherwise a
   static error is raised.

I missed this, as I would have expected this constraint to be
expressed in the grammar.  That could express it clearer, and
also add the cnstraint that the namespace nodes must come first:

CompElemConstructor  	   ::=
      	(("element" QName "{") | ("element" "{" Expr "}" "{"))
         ((CompNSConstructor ("," CompNSConstructor)* | ExprSingle)
         (", " ExprSingle)*)? "}"
	--Per Bothner

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2003 11:15:14 UTC