F&O Equality of binary values


The descriptions of hexBinary-equal and base64Binary-equal say:

"Returns true if $value1 and value2 are of the same length and contain
the same code-points"

However, the way XML Schema defines these types, there can be several
lexical representations for the same value.  For example, the hexBinary
values 0FB7 and 0fb7 are two different lexical representations for the
same value.  

Are the hexBinary-equal and base64Binary-equal functions intended to
take this into account?  In short, what does the following return:

hexBinary-equal(xs:hexBinary("0FB7"), xs:hexBinary("0fb7"))

The current wording seems to imply "false", but I think it should be

Also, "value2" should be preceded by a "$" in the above sentence.


Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2003 08:47:48 UTC