Re: XPath 2.0 -- StepExpr question

Kay, Michael wrote:
>>The August WD has changed the description of StepExpr (Section
>>3.2.1) so that PrimaryExpr is now possible.  Does this mean 
>>that a PathExpr like:
>>             A/B/3.14159
>>is legal? 
> It's legal in the grammar, but it's a type error. Just like:
>                A | B | 3.14159
> which is grammatically legal, but a type error, in XPath 1.0.


Thanks for the quick reply.

Perhaps I chose a bad example.  I still don't see the use of allowing a 
PrimaryExpr as a StepExpr.  Since it was just added to the WD, I assume 
there was a good use for it.  Can you show an example?


Jeff Kenton
Datapower Technology, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2002 03:24:24 UTC