Re: [meeting] reminder and agenda, 2005-04-26

Here are my notes from yesterday's IRC meeting. I am also attaching the
(trimmed, lightly) IRC log for reference.

Next meeting should be May 10th if we stick to the 2 weeks rhythm, is it
OK with everyone?


- Administrative -> lists, newsgroups, sites to attract more people?

Thinking of lists, newsgroups we could use to get more people interested
in (helping, hacking) on the validator. One suggestion is to find 
bloggers, perhaps through public-evangelist.

- Administrative -> possibility of a f2f meeting this summer?

Toying with the idea of having a face-to-face meeting sometime this 
summer around the time of the next QA meeting (8-10 August, in Dublin).
Not considering logistics issues yet, but there seems to be a 
possibility to organize something.

- Link Checker -> Status of Bug #1170

long discussion on the possible UI/feature fixes for the recursion 
option. Having both the checkbox for recursion or not and the textbox 
for the depth of recursion creates bad usability.

Some ideas (none entirely satisfying):
- remove the choice of depth, make recursion boolean, with just a limit
  in the number of docs checked
- remove the choice of depth, with a hardcoded depth limit
- remove the checkbox, use only the depths control 
- reword the UI to better stick to the current behavior

All of these solutions had either usability issues, or remove features,
and we could not settle on either. Decided to defer to some time
(close?) when we'll do a full review of that UI. Terje already gave some
insight on this.

- SGML-lib changes (custom DTDs etc) 

As we found out, the last change (v1.15) of sgml.soc, aimed at detecting
bogus FPIs (which would go undetected if a proper system identifier is
found) broke support for Custom DTDs. We decided to revert the change,
and try to look for other ways to detect e.g typos or errors in
copy-pasting doctypes. Possibly around the time we finalize S::P::O.


Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2005 05:34:04 UTC