Re: [EPUB Roadmap] EPUB3 Justification call

Thanks Luc.

What call-in?  The EDRlab GotoMeeting that we use two hours later for the
Publishing WG call?


On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 2:24 AM AUDRAIN LUC <>

> The *PBG EPUB Roadmap Task Force* will have a call on *Monday June 25th
> at 14UTC* [1] to work on *EPUB3 Justification.*
> Background: see the corresponding mail thread initiated by Liisa[2] and
> June 5th PBG call minutes[3].
> Here is an agenda:
>    - Preparing a white paper to gather all justifications to move to
>    EPUB3 and stop producing EPUB2
>    - Defining a "basic" profile of EPUB 3: impact (positive/negative) on
>    low-end eInk readers
>    - Gathering all communications channels to push that white paper in
>    any language
> This effort has to be synchronized in proper time with EPUB3.2 and
> epubcheck new release announcement to maximize the effect.
> Rick Wright offered to help on the white paper but any help is welcome.
> Best,
> Luc
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Received on Saturday, 23 June 2018 13:49:26 UTC