Re: IDPF, TPI, PBG members

> On 1 Oct 2018, at 17:03, AUDRAIN LUC < <>> wrote:
> Hi PBG SC,
> Here is a collated Excel file form the 3 lists : IDPF, TPI and PBG.
> Sorry for my ignorance, but could someone bring me light on the differences between TPI and PBG lists ?
> - Some PBG members are not listed in TPI. 
> Is it because they are W3C full members (the case of Adobe, Hachette, for instance)? 

Yes or W3C members that joined W3C on a Business Group level.

> Or they registered to the PBG not through the TPI process?
> Also some TPI members are not in PBG. 
> They may be in PWG, but most of the are nowhere in our Publsihnig@W3C groups…

TPI members can join the PWG, so that is not a discriminating factor…


> To be discussed.
> Luc
> <Members_IDPF_TPI_PBG_2018.xlsx>

Ivan Herman, W3C 
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Received on Monday, 1 October 2018 15:27:22 UTC