Alert!FW: [NISO sc34ballots] Groups - Ballot opened: "SHORT-TURN AROUND JTC1 SC34 - Document semantic support discussion paper"

We had a previous exchange with NISO and ISO SC 34 with periodicals. They
did accept input regarding accessibility.
Now, there is discussion about document semantics and it says:
Please include in the comments field the name and full contact information
for the nominee. Also, include a brief description of the individual's
expertise as related to the group's planned work regarding EPUB3 and METS.
We will only be able to nominate 2-3 people, so this description will be
needed to identify the best-qualified participants.
Well, one would think there should be formal involvement of the W3C
Publishing group that is working on semantics. 
DAISY is a voting member of NISO, which is why I get these things. Any
thoughts on how to coordinate?
Last Fall, we had a coordination call with Francis Cave who is the newly
appointed SC34 lead.  This is also the ISO group we will submit  EPUB 3.2
and the EPUB Accessibility specification 1.1 to.
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 1:30 PM
Subject: [NISO sc34ballots] Groups - Ballot opened: "SHORT-TURN AROUND JTC1
SC34 - Document semantic support discussion paper"
"SHORT-TURN AROUND JTC1 SC34 - Document semantic support discussion paper"
has opened.

Ballot Title: SHORT-TURN AROUND JTC1 SC34 - Document semantic support
discussion paper

Do you have a nomination of a U.S. expert to participate on JTC1 SC34, Study
Group on Document semantics? 

Closing Date: Friday, 23 March 2018 @ 11:59 pm EDT

This is a call for participation on the ISO Study Group on document

These groups do most of their work via teleconference or videoconference,
but may occasionally meet in person. 

NISO can only nominate individuals from the U.S. If someone outside the U.S.
is interested in participating, that person needs to contact his/her
national standards body. 

You can nominate yourself or someone else. If nominating someone else,
please get that person's agreement to participate on this Working Group
before nominating. Please include in the comments field the name and full
contact information for the nominee. Also, include a brief description of
the individual's expertise as related to the group's planned work regarding
EPUB3 and METS. We will only be able to nominate 2-3 people, so this
description will be needed to identify the best-qualified participants.

Your vote options are:

Yes - I want to participate or nominate someone to participate (include name
and contact information of the nominee in the comments and brief description
of expertise)

No - I do not want to participate or nominate anyone.

Abstain from voting. 

*	Yes - I want to participate or nominate someone to participate
(include name and contact information of the nominee in the comments and
brief description of expertise)
*	No - I do not want to participate or nominate anyone
*	Abstain from voting

Group: SC34 Ballot Advisory Group
Date Opened: Friday, 23 February 2018 @ 12:30 pm EST

Referenced Items

r_and_2nd_Call_for_Participation.pdf (248K) 
| View Details

Received on Friday, 23 February 2018 21:24:18 UTC