Re: Oct. 3 meeting

Reminding everyone on the SC to sign up for an area to champion within the BG, or add a new one that you want to see work done on, and are willing to champion.

You are on the steering committee…. We need your help steering the BG in areas that matter!


From: "Johnson, Rick" <>
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 8:13 PM
To: W3C Publishing Steering Committee <>
Subject: Re: Oct. 3 meeting

As discussed on the SC call of Oct. 3, 2017, we are going to align the activities of the publishing business group around specific task forces, to meet as needed, with a monthly gathering of the larger business group to coordinate.

It is critical, as the steering committee, that we each have an active role in one, or more of these task forces.  On the October 24th Business Group meeting we will roll this out, and have each of the champions (or the team of champions if more than one) will present their task force, and see if they can garner the support needed.

Please use the link below to add new possibilities, and to sign up for areas you want to be a champion for.

From: "Johnson, Rick" <>
Date: Monday, October 2, 2017 at 8:08 AM
To: W3C Publishing Steering Committee <>
Subject: Oct. 3 meeting
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Monday, October 2, 2017 at 8:08 AM

The publishing steering committee is meeting tomorrow (Oct. 3).

1.  Decisions on:
                -Meeting cadence (monthly?)
                -Next meeting date
2. Discussion about what the BG is, and what we want to have it work on.  Possibilities:
- Creating best practices
-  Getting answers to: -what are members doing now with EPUB?  -Where do they see themselves going?  -Is it a part of their growth strategy?  -What are their markets telling them?
- Forming a task force to interact with key W3C groups and bring recommendations back to the BG on how we can better work with them (how do we work with the other parts of the OWP at the W3C better)
- Forming a task force to promote and recruit publisher support and participation in the key activities (in addition to the groups, this includes EPUBcheck, EPUBtest, and other activities.  i.e. how do we ‘clean up’ things the need to be done)
- MathML/STEM recommendations
- Working on a ‘mini-SMIL’ rec-track
3.  George to present ISO recommendation of task force for SC approval
4.  Discussion of mini-SMIL potential rec-track work

noon eastern meeting time
• Web:

• Access Code: 319 851 199
• Meeting password: check on the irc #pbgsc if you need it

Received on Thursday, 5 October 2017 18:04:54 UTC