Re: Frankfurt Buchmesse - invitation at Cocktail - Italia Stand

Very busy and happy period (

Il giorno 04/10/17, 16:07 "AUDRAIN LUC" <> ha scritto:

    Thank you Cristina,
    I¹ll have a head but our president invited us for his cocktail at 6:30 at
    the hotel this very dayŠ
    Le 04/10/2017 15:44, « Cristina Mussinelli » <>
    a écrit :
    >Dear all,
    >if you are in Frankfurt, I will be very pleased to meet you at the
    >Italian Stand for our reception.
    >Find the invitation in attachment.
    >See you soon and all my best
    >Il giorno 04/10/17, 06:13 "Ivan Herman" <> ha scritto:
    >    Here they are:

    >    Ivan
    >    ----
    >    Ivan Herman, W3C
    >    Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
    >    Home:

    >    mobile: +31-641044153
    >    ORCID ID:

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Received on Wednesday, 4 October 2017 14:13:01 UTC