[minutes] 2018-09-10
[PWG] Agenda 20180910
- Stroup, David (Monday, 10 September)
- Romain (Monday, 10 September)
- Bill Kasdorf (Sunday, 9 September)
- AUDRAIN LUC (Sunday, 9 September)
- Brady Duga (Sunday, 9 September)
- Timothy Cole (Saturday, 8 September)
- Hadrien Gardeur (Friday, 7 September)
- Levantovsky, Vladimir (Friday, 7 September)
- Siegman, Tzviya (Friday, 7 September)
- MURATA Makoto (Friday, 7 September)
- Garth Conboy (Friday, 7 September)
[pwg] agenda 20180917
[pwg] minutes
[PWG] No-Agenda 20180924 [NO MEETING]
[PWG] Tentative Agenda 20181001
Canceled event: W3C Publishing WG @ Mon Sep 24, 2018 9am - 10am (PDT) (public-publ-wg@w3.org)
epubcheck fundraising
Exploring possible synergies between W3C verifiable claims working group and DIN IETF
Fwd: CSS Fonts Module Level 3 is now a W3C Recommendation
Regrets: [pwg] agenda 20180917
simple TOC parsing example
TPAC 2018 - Registration fees and hotel bookings
Web Audio API is now a W3C Candidate Recommendation (Call for Implementations)
Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2018 22:05:01 UTC