Re: Entry page example with links to WAM/RWPM

Hello Ivan,

Just for the context, a few things first:

   - there's a lot of redundancy in these examples, mostly because we don't
   know yet what our serialization will look like
   - I built these examples to have something that we can reference in such
   discussions, but also to make sure that we have something that can be
   implemented in Readium-2
   - once we adopt a serialization, we could drop either the WAM or RWPM
   from these two examples, they mostly contain the same information
   - for the extensions to the WAM, I used what I've suggested before,
   which is also consistent with the WebIDL that we have in our current draft (
   reading_order and resources with the same syntax as RWPM for links)

1. There is a reference to the WAM. What are the Web Application/WAM
> functionalities of the browser that you exploit there?

Here's a list:

   - name and short_name for the title of the publication
   - start_url for the WP address
   - display to provide a display mode ("publication" in the Poignant Guide
   to Ruby example, "standalone" in the Moby Dick example)
   - icons in the Moby Dick example (icon that's added on the home screen)
   - background_color in the Moby Dick example (used for the splash screen
   when you launch the installed "application")

> 2. I guess the "magic" that we were discussing lies in the following entry
> in the HTML file:
> <a href="
> viewer/?manifest=true&amp;href=https://hadriengardeur.
> I.e., the answer to our question "what happens when one gets to the
> starting page" is that the user has to actively click to get a specific
> reader running which relies on the specific manifest.

No "magic", just an option among others that an author can use to provide a
publication mode (providing a link to a Web App).

What happens when one gets to the starting page is still 100% tied to the
nature of the UA that you're using:

   - A non-browser WP-aware wouldn't render that document in the first
   place, but simply extract the link to the manifest from it.
   - For a WP-aware browser, this is a discussion that we've barely started
   (I suggested affordances to read the publication and add it to a list).
   - For a non WP-aware browser, this would be whatever the author decided
   to include. If you only include a link to the manifest and to the first
   resource in the reading order, that's fine as well.


Received on Sunday, 11 February 2018 19:14:56 UTC