Re: Pursuing the wrong goal? (was Re: A followup/writeup on our Monday discussions (was Re: Continuing discussion on Polyfills))

> On 11 Feb 2018, at 00:04, Baldur Bjarnason <> wrote:
>> IMO, we need to figure out a full list of affordances and broadly define them. If we can't figure this out, I guess that we'll have to split things up, but there's a real risk in terms of consistency between implementations.
> (Apologies for the verbosity below. Went on for way too long. TL;DR: we should start with a list of affordances before we worry about implementation or even modes.)


I also agree with Baldur that each affordance can lead to potentially various implementation/specification approaches (ranging from existing or new API, CSS, HTML, WAM, you name it).


Received on Sunday, 11 February 2018 00:52:58 UTC