Re: [a11y] Seeking technical experts to test Ace - the EPUB 3 Accessibility Checker

Thanks Makoto for your continuous support for EPUB accessibility specifications as well as the feedback for Ace.
As Romain mentioned, you can submit the requirements to the issue tracker. We will be working on plan for next year in November. In case the requests cannot be incorporated in version 1.0, we will try to implement in next year.

With regards
From: Romain i
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 05:14
To: MURATA Makoto 
Cc: Avneesh Singh ; PubWG ; 
Subject: Re: [a11y] Seeking technical experts to test Ace - the EPUB 3 Accessibility Checker

Dear Makoto, 

  On 20 Oct 2017, at 01:20, MURATA Makoto <> wrote:

  A Japanese group for EPUB accessibility is very much
  interested in Ace.  This group is a part of Keio
  Advanced Publishing Lab.  I am the leader of the

Great, very much looking forward to your feedback!

  Now, Ace reports an error when accessMode,
  accessModeSufficient, or accessibilityFeature is
  absent.  We are wondering if Ace will suggest
  particular values of these metadata. Is such 
  an extension already planned?

Yes, this is definitely on our radar, but we're not yet sure we can make it in v1.0.0.
This is tracked as issue #35:

  We are also wondering if the use of Javascript might 
  cause performance problems if Ace starts to examine 
  all characters (e.g., whether every CJK character is 
  in JIS X 0213) for example.

I'd be happy to learn more about any performance issue that you may encounter. Feel free to report issues directly to our tracker:


Received on Friday, 20 October 2017 04:28:56 UTC