Re: PROV-ISSUE-648: Can schema be made a bit more jaxb friendly? [XML Serialization]

The proposed solutions leads to the possibility of multiple documentBundles being in a given document.


    <!-- statements -->
    <!-- statements -->
    <!-- statements -->


This is an interesting scenario we had not accounted for previously.

These document bundles are differentiated from regular bundles in that they do not support the prov:id attribute.  This element also does not have a corresponding concept in PROV-N.  I think this could cause confusion.  I do not know how to justify/explain an xml document with multiple documentBundles.

I think I prefer to option to enforce ordering of bundle constructors, non-bundle prov-statements, and xsd:any (see following) over introducing a documentBundle element that is not clearly differentiated from the existing bundleConstructor and which does not correspond to a concept from the DM or any other serialization.

  <xs:complexType name="Document">
        <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
		<xs:element name="bundleContent" type="prov:BundleConstructor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Also, I like the idea of leaving the schema as it is if a jaxb binding file can provide a solution and detailing that jaxb-specific solution in a FAQ entry, but I agree that making a change to the schema to prevent this issue from occurring would probably be the better and more visible solution.


On Mar 28, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Stephan Zednik <> wrote:

> Hi Hook,
> Thanks for looking into this.  I would like to test out the proposed solution and I will provide feedback by the EOD.
> Luc, would the proposed solution resolve this issue?
> --Stephan
> On Mar 28, 2013, at 4:40 AM, "Hua, Hook (388C)" <> wrote:
>> Hi Luc and Stephan,
>> Somehow, with jaxb-ri-2.2.6, the removal of xsd:any still generates
>> JAXBElements.
>> Hopefully we may not need to modify the xsd:any support nor use customized
>> bindings mapping for JAXB. In looking into it further, I believe I have
>> found a more upstream cause and a potentially cleaner solution.
>> Given that we have the following unfriendly XML binding mapping:
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> <xs:element name="document" type="prov:Document" />
>> <xs:complexType name="Document">
>> <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>   <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements" minOccurs="0"/>
>>   <xs:element name="bundleContent" type="prov:BundleConstructor"
>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>   <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> ---------
>> public class Document {
>> @XmlElementRefs({
>> @XmlElementRef(name = "wasRevisionOf", namespace =
>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false),
>> @XmlElementRef(name = "activity", namespace =
>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false),
>> @XmlElementRef(name = "collection", namespace =
>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false),
>> @XmlElementRef(name = "bundle", namespace =
>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false),
>> @XmlElementRef(name = "wasQuotedFrom", namespace =
>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false),
>> @XmlElementRef(name = "wasInvalidatedBy", namespace =
>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false),
>> ...
>> })
>> @XmlAnyElement(lax = true)
>> protected List<Object> entityAndActivityAndWasGeneratedBy;
>> ...
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> It appears that to help retain a round-trip marshalling/unmarshalling of
>> our prov:Document, the unbounded sequence of its elements (including
>> prov:BundleConstructor) must be uniquely distinguished by JAXB. The
>> repeating sequences are treated as a List<Object> of generic JAXBElements,
>> where the JAXBElemnt's QName is used to distinguish elements with
>> different names. So the culprit may be the unbounded sequence.
>> <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>> <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements" minOccurs="0"/>
>> <xs:element name="bundleContent" type="prov:BundleConstructor"
>> minOccurs="0"/>
>> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>> </xs:sequence>
>> What if we move the unbounded occurrence into a wrapper complex type and
>> keep the sequence singular? Below, I've introduced a "prov:DocumentBundle"
>> wrapper complex type in which to apply the unbounded occurrence to. Then
>> in "prov:DocumentBundle", maintain the same subelements as before, but as
>> one occurrence of the sequence. Running it through JAXB now generates the
>> cleaner prov-typed List elements. No customized bindings for JAXB needed.
>> No removal of xsd:any needed.
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> <xs:element name="document" type="prov:Document" />
>> <xs:complexType name="DocumentBundle">
>> <xs:sequence>
>>   <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements" minOccurs="0"/>
>>   <xs:element name="bundleContent" type="prov:BundleConstructor"
>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>   <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> <xs:complexType name="Document">
>> <xs:sequence>
>>   <xs:element name="documentBundle" type="prov:DocumentBundle"
>> minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> ---------
>> public class Document {
>> protected DocumentBundle documentBundle;
>> ...
>> public class DocumentBundle {
>> protected List<Entity> entity;
>> protected List<Activity> activity;
>> protected List<Generation> wasGeneratedBy;
>> protected List<Usage> used;
>> protected List<Communication> wasInformedBy;
>> protected List<Start> wasStartedBy;
>> protected List<End> wasEndedBy;
>> protected List<Invalidation> wasInvalidatedBy;
>> ...
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> We could also rename the wrapper "prov:DocumentBundle" to something else
>> reduce possible confusion with prov:Bundle and prov:BundleConstructor.
>> I think we need to understand that this approach introduces another
>> indirection artifact in the PROV-XML encoding. Would this be an acceptable
>> compromise approach around the JAXBElement issue?
>> --Hook
>> On 3/21/13 8:49 AM, "Stephan Zednik" <> wrote:
>>> On Mar 21, 2013, at 5:26 AM, Luc Moreau <> wrote:
>>>> H Hook,
>>>> Thanks for this analysis.
>>>> In this specific instance, I think that it is the element
>>>> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>>>> occurring inside
>>>> <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>> that causes these jaxb elements to be generated.
>>>> If you were to remove xsd:any there, jaxbElements would no longer be
>>>> generated.
>>>> While we want to allow the possibility of elements from other schemas,
>>>> do we
>>>> really want to allow them any where inside a document/bundle?
>>> We want to provide for elements from other schemas but I don't think we
>>> formally identified what areas we intend to allow non-prov elements in
>>> before we added this functionality to the schema.
>>> What if we made a FAQ entry about OXM mappings with PROV-XML and created
>>> a customized schema or bindings file specifically for JAXB code
>>> generation?  This would allow us to work on asynchronously with the
>>> document and past the note publication, it would also allow us to
>>> introduce JAXB-specific solutions that I do not think make sense in the
>>> official schema or note.
>>> --Stephan
>>>> Luc
>>>> On 03/21/2013 11:09 AM, Hua, Hook (388C) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Luc,
>>>>> I'm using jaxb-ri-2.2.6 against our latest prov*.xsd and seeing
>>>>> slightly
>>>>> different bindings with JAXBElement:
>>>>> public class Document {
>>>>>   @XmlElementRefs({
>>>>>       @XmlElementRef(name = "hadPrimarySource", namespace =
>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required =
>>>>> false),
>>>>>       @XmlElementRef(name = "agent", namespace =
>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required =
>>>>> false),
>>>>>       @XmlElementRef(name = "activity", namespace =
>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required =
>>>>> false),
>>>>>       @XmlElementRef(name = "organization", namespace =
>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required =
>>>>> false),
>>>>>       @XmlElementRef(name = "softwareAgent", namespace =
>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class, required =
>>>>> false),
>>>>> ....
>>>>> Some findings:
>>>>> (1) JAXB's generation of JAXBElement<T> classes seems to be a wrapper
>>>>> approach to preserve sufficient information in the schema for
>>>>> round-trip
>>>>> marshaling & unmarshalling of values in XML instances. More
>>>>> specifically,
>>>>> it wraps the data with a QName and a nillable flag [1].
>>>>> It appears that the a frequent cause of JAXB producing JAXBElement<T>
>>>>> is
>>>>> its attempt to preserve elements with both minOccurs=0 and
>>>>> nillable=true.
>>>>> JAXB needs to distinguish between the two cases where:
>>>>> a. element missing, minOccurs=0, then jaxbElement==null
>>>>> b. element present, xsi:nil=true, then jaxbElement.isNil()==true
>>>>> It would not be possible to distinguish between these two states if the
>>>>> bindings were the raw types.
>>>>> (2) It would be possible to customize the JAXB bindings [2] to ignore
>>>>> the
>>>>> full round-trip requirement. The "generateElementProperty=false"
>>>>> customization option "can be used to generate an alternate developer
>>>>> friendly but lossy binding" [3].
>>>>> I tried variations of a "bindings.xjb" customization file:
>>>>> <jaxb:bindings version="2.1"
>>>>> xmlns:jaxb=""
>>>>> xmlns:xjc=""
>>>>> xmlns:xs="">
>>>>> <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="prov-core.xsd"
>>>>>   node="//xs:complexType[@name='Document']">
>>>>>   <jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false" />
>>>>> </jaxb:bindings>
>>>>> </jaxb:bindings>
>>>>> $ -d BINDINGS -b bindings.xjb prov.xsd
>>>>> But none truly eliminated the JAXBElement<T> from the bindings.
>>>>> (3) Nowhere in our prov-core.xsd do we define minOccurs=0 in
>>>>> conjunction
>>>>> with nillable=true. In my attempts with JAXB, I'm seeing JAXBElements
>>>>> appearing in the bindings for the (a) Document class and (b)
>>>>> BundledConstructor class. Both types leverage the prov:documentElements
>>>>> grouping.
>>>>> <xs:element name="document" type="prov:Document" />
>>>>> <xs:complexType name="Document">
>>>>> <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>>>   <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements" minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="bundleContent" type="prov:BundleConstructor"
>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>   <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" />
>>>>> </xs:sequence>
>>>>> </xs:complexType>
>>>>> It's unclear if there is some nillable-like affect that triggers JAXB
>>>>> to
>>>>> generate the JAXBElements.
>>>>> (4) On the upside, JAXB does provide an ObjectFactory class as part of
>>>>> the
>>>>> generated bindings that define creational factory methods to generate
>>>>> the
>>>>> JAXBElement instances. For example:
>>>>> public JAXBElement<Usage> createUsed(Usage value)
>>>>> Still, I agree that it is not as clean.
>>>>> --Hook
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> ori
>>>>> al/doc/JAXBUsing4.html#wp148515
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> tor
>>>>> ials/wsit/doc/DataBinding5.html
>>>>> On 3/8/13 4:20 AM, "Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker"
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> PROV-ISSUE-648: Can schema be made a bit more jaxb friendly? [XML
>>>>>> Serialization]
>>>>>> Raised by: Luc Moreau
>>>>>> On product: XML Serialization
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I have ported the ProvToolbox and the ProvValidator to the new XML
>>>>>> schema.
>>>>>> I just wanted to report on my experience with the schema and JAXB.
>>>>>> Obviously, others may have better experience with JAXB and may be able
>>>>>> to help on some of the issues I encountered.
>>>>>> Everything worked fine, except:
>>>>>> - <xs:element ref="prov:internalElement abstract=true/>
>>>>>> - extensibility <xs:any namespace="##other"/> in Document and Bundle
>>>>>> These two constructs, while processable by JAXB, are not
>>>>>> JAXB-friendly.
>>>>>> Indeed, JAXB compiles the schema in a list containing all possible
>>>>>> statements.
>>>>>>  protected List<Object> entityAndActivityAndWasGeneratedBy;
>>>>>> However, the presence on an abstract element and an <any/> element
>>>>>> result
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> content of that list to be of type:
>>>>>>  @XmlElementRefs({
>>>>>>      @XmlElementRef(name = "used", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElementRef(name = "wasAssociatedWith", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElementRef(name = "person", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElementRef(name = "entity", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = JAXBElement.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElementRef(name = "wasInfluencedBy", namespace =
>>>>>> ""
>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>  })
>>>>>>  @XmlAnyElement(lax = true)
>>>>>>  protected List<Object> entityAndActivityAndWasGeneratedBy;
>>>>>> where all data structures are wrapped up in this unpleasant
>>>>>> JAXBElement.
>>>>>> Without these features, we get a much more natural mapping:
>>>>>>  @XmlElements({
>>>>>>      @XmlElement(name = "entity", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = Entity.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElement(name = "activity", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = Activity.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElement(name = "wasGeneratedBy", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = WasGeneratedBy.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElement(name = "used", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = Used.class),
>>>>>>      @XmlElement(name = "wasInformedBy", namespace =
>>>>>> "", type = WasInformedBy.class),
>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>> })
>>>>>> So, how I did I solve the problem?  I inserted the extension schemas
>>>>>> into
>>>>>> the schema file, and hence got rid of the abstract element.  I am ok
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> this. We could possible provide the utility to that transformation.
>>>>>> For the extensibility, I used a different definition. It happens to
>>>>>> parse prov-xml compliant xml. When serializing, it  puts all
>>>>>> extensibility elements at the end.  This is not a satisfactory
>>>>>> solution, and is likely to be dependent of the jaxb implementation
>>>>>> (though I am not entirely sure).
>>>>>> <xs:complexType name="Document">
>>>>>>   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>>     <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>>>>       <xs:group ref="prov:documentElements"/>
>>>>>>       <xs:element name="bundleContent" type="prov:NamedBundle"/>
>>>>>>     </xs:choice>
>>>>>>     <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
>>>>>> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>>>>>>   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>> </xs:complexType>
>>>>>> Can something be done to make the XML schema a bit more jaxb friendly,
>>>>>> while still keeping the same flexibility?  Thoughts welcome.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Luc
>>>> -- 
>>>> Professor Luc Moreau
>>>> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
>>>> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
>>>> Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
>>>> United Kingdom           

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 16:06:55 UTC