Re: PROV-DC Note ready for internal (final?) review

Hi Luc,
thanks for the feedback, I'll create a new issue for handling the minor
since I already created another one for the dct:replaces issue.

Regarding the first outstanding minor issue, Figure 3 has a prov:Creator
prov:Creator is the refinement of prov:Role that we introduced for the agent
associated to the creation of the document.


2013/2/26 Luc Moreau <>

>  Hi Daniel,
> I like the changes you brought to the document. I am satisfied with your
> answers on the wiki,
> except for dct:replaces to.
> As explained in a previous email, I don't think this works if you make it
> a subpropery of wasInfluencedBy (and
> likewise for the inverse dct:isReplacedBy).  This is a blocking issue for
> me, at least, for the final release of this document.
> I am fine with your suggestion of providing a complex mapping for
> dct:replaces, which would make
> multiple specializations and a derivation explicit (or similar).  If this
> change is adopted, I no longer
> have any objection to releasing of prov-dc.
> I think the suggestion of making it a joint document with DCMI is great.
> Outstanding Minor issues:
> - Figure 3 has a prov:Creator.  What is this?
> - Figure3/4: the range of dct:created is rdfs:Literal, and the range of
> prov:atTime is xsd:dateTime.
>   Should you add a comment stating the mapping is only ok for xsd:dateTime.
> - I would suggest to replace "can't" by "cannot"
> Cheers,
> Luc
> On 02/20/2013 05:19 PM, Daniel Garijo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Kai and I have gone through the issues and we have given a pass through
> the whole document.
> I have reestructured it and now I think it reads better.
> The latest version can be accessed at:
> A detailed answer to the reviews made by Simon and Luc can be accessed
> here:
> (on the bottom
> of the page)
> The wiki page also summarizes the decissions over the main changes
> proposed to the mapping.
> All issues are now pending review. Once I get the confirmation from Simon
> and Luc, I'll proceed to stage
> the note.
> @Ivan: I need to update 2 documents that are linked from the note (in
> particular
> and
> Both have changed a little bit). Who should I contact to do so?
> The right versions can be accessed at
> and
> Best,
> Daniel
> --
> Professor Luc Moreau
> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
> Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
> United Kingdom           

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 19:18:45 UTC