- From: Tom De Nies <tom.denies@ugent.be>
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:03:08 +0200
- To: Provenance Working Group <public-prov-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CA+=hbbdR42Y_CZ+CevpWrZ=wpgOfA2kZP=SNU=+rWakamhdGSw@mail.gmail.com>
Hello PROV-XML editors, First, my apologies that I did not get around to reading the document sooner, I was a bit short on time. I've made a final pass over the latest editor's draft of the document, and it looks very good. I could hardly find anything wrong with it, apart from the minor things below. So as far as I'm concerned: +1 for release as a Working Group Note. Thanks for producing such a comprehensive and understandable document. Minor things/remarks: - In the boilerplate, it still says "Dublic Core" instead of "Dublin Core" - In the section "Schema Modularization", it might be desirable to make the mentions of "prov.xsd" etc. link to these schema's. - I especially liked the "Elements vs. Attributes" section, since this essentially gives future implementers of new extensions a manual to convert their constructs to PROV-XML. Excellent! - "Identifier Conventions": perhaps you could mention the workaround specified in RDF/XMl to convert invalid QName URIs to valid ones? (see last example PROV-Dictionary). Or do we want to discourage this? - "Component 2: Derivations. The second component of PROV-DM is concerned with: derivations of entities from other entities and derivation subtypes WasRevisionOf (Revision), WasQuotedFrom (Quotation), and HasPrimarySource (Primary Source)." Why are WasRevisionOf and the other constructs capitalized? If I'm not mistaken, they aren't mentioned like that anywhere else in the document. Couldn't this be revised to the simpler: "derivation subtypes Revision, Quotation, and Primary Source." ? - same as above for the first paragraph of Component 3. - same for Component 5 - I almost missed the specification that all PROV-XML document should have a .provx extension. I'll change the extension of the example in PROV-Dictionary - The last line in the document says "ignore". Shall I ignore this and assume it is to be removed? :) Regards, Tom Tom De Nies Researcher Semantic Web Ghent University - iMinds Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201, B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium t: +32 9 331 49 59 e: tom.denies@ugent.be URL: http://multimedialab.elis.ugent.be
Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 10:03:41 UTC