PROV-Dictionary staged for final vote

Hello all,

PROV-Dictionary is now staged as a Working Group Note at
Also staged (and linked to) are the examples

- It meets the pubrules as far as I can tell, and validates and passes the
link-checker (except for the REC and NOTE links)

- All remaining issues have been addressed with a proposed solution and are
pending review:

- The PROV-N example still needs to be validated. We will try our best shot
to do it manually, but I am hoping Luc's validator can assist in this when
he gets back next week. (can we make such small corrections in the period
between staging and release?)

- For the XML example we ran into some trouble when validating against the
Since we use real-world dbpedia URIs as example, there were some that could
not be turned into a valid QName due to its character restrictions.
Therefore, we had to find a workaround. The workaround is to add a valid
NCName <>(derived
by removing the invalid characters) as a fragment, and split the
URI after the # symbol. The first part of the URI is then used to override
the dbpedia: prefix in the element that uses the URI as an identifier, and
the valid NCName<>is
used as the
LocalPart <>of
QName <>. This is
in conformance with the guidance given in the the RDF/XML Syntax

The only thing that raises some doubt is the use of the nonexistent
fragment, but since the URI still resolves, this is worth it in my opinion.
The alternative to this method is to leave the invalid characters out, and
end up with non-existent URIs, which in my view, is worse than non-existent
We added a remark explaining this construction to the end of the example.
If anyone has any objections to this method, please let us know by e-mail
or on the call tomorrow.

- Finally, the provenance of PROV-Dictionary still needs to be checked in
Luc's file and staged with the document, we will do this tomorrow.

Tom De Nies
Researcher Semantic Web
Ghent University - iMinds
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab
Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201, B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium

t: +32 9 331 49 59


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 15:49:02 UTC