prov-dm issues under review

Hi Luc,

I'm fine with all proposed resolutions except for two:

For ISSUE-529
- Add to "Prov-dm, as a conceptual model, leaves the implementation of
these inherited types to concrete serializations." Thus,
serializations can support hadMember as a list. This would I believe
address the reviewers comment specifically.

- I think the clarification provided is clear but we could do more to
address the recommendation that somehow the definitions seem circular.
Can we say the words "instant" or immediate in these definitions. We
often make appeals to prov-constraints but I believe that PROV-DM
should stand on its own.


Dr. Paul Groth (
Assistant Professor
- Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Group |
  Artificial Intelligence Section | Department of Computer Science
- The Network Institute
VU University Amsterdam

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 18:23:41 UTC