Re: PROV-ISSUE-563 (primer-alternates-figure): Primer Section 3.9 Alternates [Primer]

Hi Simon

I guess what I was suggesting was just that -- to clarify in the primer. Is there a proposed alternative woding?


On 09/10/2012 16:49, Miles, Simon wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> Sorry, but I'm not clear what you are suggesting here?
> I agree that the statement you refer to can be inferred from the other statements if they were reasoned over, and is redundant in 
> that sense. Its purpose in the primer is to illustrate the use of the alternateOf relation. The reviewer has not understood the 
> specialization and alternate relations, suggesting the primer needs to be clearer.
> thanks,
> Simon
> Dr Simon Miles
> Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics
> Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
> +44 (0)20 7848 1166
> Transparent Provenance Derivation for User Decisions:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Paolo Missier []
> *Sent:* 27 September 2012 20:08
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: PROV-ISSUE-563 (primer-alternates-figure): Primer Section 3.9 Alternates [Primer]
> Hi,
> not sure who raised this, but I believe that in the example of 3.9 the statement
> ex:articleV2 prov:alternateOf      ex:articleV1
> is redundant, since it follows by Inf. 20 in CONSTR.
> This may be noted explicitly but I would keep the statement, as it elicited a relevant comment.
> It seems that whoever raised the issue feels, like me, that specializations and alternates should not mix so freely.
> -Paolo
> On 9/26/12 4:42 PM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> PROV-ISSUE-563 (primer-alternates-figure): Primer Section 3.9 Alternates [Primer]
>> Raised by: Simon Miles
>> On product: Primer
>> ISSUE-463
>> The figure makes clear the ambiguous interpretation of "alternateOf". Both V1 and V2 are different "specializations" of "article", yet they are declared to be alternates. I find this unintuitive.
> -- 
> -----------  ~oo~  --------------
> Paolo Missier,  
> School of Computing Science, Newcastle University,  UK

-----------  ~oo~  --------------
Paolo Missier -,
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University,  UK

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2012 08:08:52 UTC