RE: PROV-ISSUE-591: delegation PROV-O example missing activity reference [Primer]

Hello PROV-O authors,

I'm not sure how to resolve the issue below. Can you help? The examples for actedOnBehalfOf and Delegation in the PROV-O spec do not seem to explicitly link the actvity to the delegation. How should the PROV-O be written?


Dr Simon Miles
Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Efficient Multi-Granularity Service Composition:
From: Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker []
Sent: 01 November 2012 20:05
Subject: PROV-ISSUE-591: delegation PROV-O example missing activity reference [Primer]

PROV-ISSUE-591: delegation PROV-O example missing activity reference [Primer]

Raised by: Stephan Zednik
On product: Primer

The PROV-N example specifies that ex:derek was acting on behalf of ex:chartgen during the ex:compose activity.

         foaf:name="Chart Generators Inc"])
  actedOnBehalfOf(ex:derek, ex:chartgen, ex:compose)

This reference to ex:compose is not present in the PROV-O encoding of this same example.

  ex:derek prov:actedOnBehalfOf ex:chartgen .
  ex:chartgen a prov:Agent ;
              a prov:Organization ;
              foaf:name "Chart Generators Inc" .

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 20:14:34 UTC