PROV-ISSUE-216 (TLebo): qualified wasAttributedTo? [prov-dm]

PROV-ISSUE-216 (TLebo): qualified wasAttributedTo? [prov-dm]

Raised by: Timothy Lebo
On product: prov-dm

Accounts will likely be associated to their asserters with the prov:wasAttributedTo binary relation.

Would the DM be able to have qualified wasAttributedTo relations?

I think that it would be a natural question for a consumer, upon hearing that "account x was from agent y", to want to ask about how, when, or in what situation agent y stated those things (e.g., under oath in a courtroom, on twitter 2am on a Friday night, etc).

Hopefully, the Qualified wasAttributedTo would follow the pattern of the varying "precisions" (i.e., granularity) for wasDerivedFrom, which may relate an activity that draws the Account to the asserter.


Received on Sunday, 15 January 2012 16:37:33 UTC