Re: ProvRDF: new mapping markup

On 29/02/2012 13:35, Timothy Lebo wrote:
> prov-wg,
> In an effort to automate the comparison between the OWL file and the ProvRDF mappings, we would like to replace the latex markup with wiki table markup.
> An example is at

They seem to be very similar. So if the wiki table markup helps 
automating the comparison between the OWL file and ProvRDF mappings, 
then I don't see a reason why not to witch to the wiki table markup.

I am curious however to know how the comparison can be automated.

Thanks, khalid
> Before we perform the markup switch for all mapping rules (and write the scraper), could you please provide feedback on the new view?
> Does it make more or less sense?
> What would help?
> Thanks for your consideration.
> Regards,
> Tim

Received on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 16:23:08 UTC