Re: Update on PROV-O OWL file (Action item 55)

Hi Curt,

> Time is instantaneous, so you couldn't specify it as a generation
> time, but could you just define a domain specific attribute for the
> generation?
> wasGeneratedBy(ex:MonaLisa, [ex:creationEstimate="1503-**1519"]);
> Is it ok to leave out both activity and time in order to specify
> generation attributes?  DM would seem to allow it since everything but
> entity is optional.
> How would such a thing get mapped to RDF?
> ex:MonaLisa a prov:Entity .
> _:a a prov:Activity .
> _:g a prov:Generation .
> ex:MonaLisa prov:wasGeneratedBy _:a .
> _:a prov:hadQualifiedGeneration _:g .
> _:g a prov:QualifiedInvolvement .
> _:g prov:hadQualifiedEntity ex:MonaLisa .
> _:g ex:creationEstimate "1503-1519" .
> But, this requires associating QualifiedInvolvement (or the new name of
the class) with Time instant (even if don't consider time interval in DM
"core"). So, in the ontology, we will end up having both Activity and
QualifiedInvolvement as domain of the hadTemporalValue property - pushing
PROV-O outside of RL).

Probably easier to just express this outside PROV:
> ex:MonaLisa ex:creationEstimate "1503-1519" .
> Yes, in effect stating that only Activity can be associated with Time.



> Curt

Received on Sunday, 19 February 2012 22:16:48 UTC