Re: PROV-ISSUE-239 (TLebo): is wasGeneratedBy(e) meaningful? [prov-dm]

   it seems to me that a "wasGeneratedBy" relation is in fact understood as a relation between Entities and Activities, possibly 
annotated with timestamp and other attributes, so it necessarily includes the activity.
(interestingly, the SEM draft says nothing about optional arguments)

the problem highlighted in ISSUE-242 should also serve as a further argument.


On 2/6/12 9:43 PM, Daniel Garijo wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> you may want to say that an entity has been created and assert some metadata about the creation (hour,
> location, etc.), but not want/know which activity produced it. That is why everything can optional but the entity.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> 2012/2/6 Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker < <>>
>     PROV-ISSUE-239 (TLebo): is wasGeneratedBy(e) meaningful? [prov-dm]
>     Raised by: Timothy Lebo
>     On product: prov-dm
>     Everything but entity is OPTIONAL in wasGeneratedBy.
>     If I say only wasGeneratedBy(e), what did I say? And why was I allowed to say it?
>     from WD3:
>     A generation record, written wasGeneratedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs) in PROV-ASN, has the following components:
>        id: an optional identifier id identifying the generation record;
>        entity: an identifier e identifying an entity record that represents the entity that is created;
>        activity: an optional identifier a identifying an activity record that represents the activity that creates the entity;

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Paolo Missier -,
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University,  UK

Received on Monday, 6 February 2012 23:22:05 UTC