Re: PROV-ISSUE-240 (TLebo): highlight optionals in wasGeneratedBy([id],e,a,[t],[attrs]) [prov-dm]

why not

On 2/6/12 9:31 PM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-240 (TLebo): highlight optionals in wasGeneratedBy([id],e,a,[t],[attrs]) [prov-dm]
> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
> On product: prov-dm
> I propose to change the ASN assertions such as:
> "A generation record, written wasGeneratedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs) in PROV-ASN, has the following components..."
> to include [] on optional arguments, such as:
> "A generation record, written wasGeneratedBy([id],e,a,[t],[attrs]) in PROV-ASN, has the following components..."
> This is to highlight the arguments that are not required.
> Thanks,
> Tim

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Paolo Missier -,
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University,  UK

Received on Monday, 6 February 2012 23:14:10 UTC