- From: Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 09:07:31 +0100
- To: Paul Groth <p.t.groth@vu.nl>
- Cc: public-prov-wg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <F4612796-CE60-4BF5-BF00-BE30087C233B@w3.org>
I just saw this yesterday evening; might be relevant for this group, too Ivan Begin forwarded message: > From: Ivan herman <ivan.herman@gmail.com> > Subject: JWS special issue: reasoning with context in the Semantic Web, v12 (2012) > Date: February 2, 2012 21:26:34 GMT+01:00 > To: Dr Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org> > > > > JWS special issue: reasoning with context in the Semantic Web, v12 (2012) > Published on Journal of Web Semantics | shared via feedly mobile > Volume 12 of the Journal of Web Semantics is a special issue on special lssue on reasoning with context in the Semantic Web edited by Los Lehmann, Ivan Jose Varzinczak and Alan Bundy. Its ten articles shed direct or indirect light on the role of context in Semantic Web theories and applications. Preprints of the papers are now available on the Journal of Web Semantics preprint sever. > Introduction - Special Issue Reasoning with Context in the Semantic Web, Los Lehmann, Ivan Jose Varzinczak and Alan Bundy > Representing and Querying Validity Time in RDF and OWL: A Logic-Based Approach, Boris Motik > Context-Dependent Views to Axioms and Consequences of Semantic Web Ontologies, Rafael Peñaloza, Franz Baader and Martin Knechtel > Towards a context sensitive approach to searching information based on domain specific knowledge sources, Duy Dinh and Lynda Tamine > Domains and context: first steps towards managing diversity in knowledge, Vincenzo Maltese, Fausto Giunchiglia and Biswanath Dutta > Contextualized Knowledge Repositories for the Semantic Web, Martin Homola and Luciano Serafini > Interactive ontology debugging: two query strategies for efficient fault localization, Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin, Gerhard Friedrich, Philipp Fleiss and Patrick Rodler > Higher-Order Aspects and Context in SUMO, Christoph Benzmüller and Adam Pease > An Interaction-Based Approach to Semantic Alignment, Manuel Atencia and Marco Schorlemmer > Reasoning-Supported Interactive Revision of Ontologies, Nadeschda Nikitina, Sebastian Rudolph and Birte Glimm > OWL-POLAR: A Framework for Semantic Policy Representation and Reasoning, Murat Sensoy, Timothy J Norman, Wamberto W Vasconcelos and Katia Sycara > > > feedly. feed your mind. http://www.feedly.com > > > ---- > Ivan Herman > web: http://www.ivan-herman.net > mobile: +31 64 1044 153 ---- Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/ mobile: +31-641044153 FOAF: http://www.ivan-herman.net/foaf.rdf
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Received on Friday, 3 February 2012 08:05:38 UTC