Re: prov-o example relations

Hi Satya, and team prov-o,

To gain a fuller understanding of the two approaches, Would it be possible to do the following.

1. Show derivations: wdf(2,8) and wdf(8,40) and wdf(8,5)

2. In the opmo like example, show opmv properties (eg wasGeneratedBy inferred from Generation class)

3. Show the same examples without roles, and display the difference between an encoding with role and an encoding without role

4. Show time

5 Show qualifiers as in prov-dm


Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

On 30 Oct 2011, at 22:31, "Satya Sahoo" <<>> wrote:

Hi all,
James Cheney proposed the following example (paraphrased from his original mail) to compare the current approach of PROV-O in modeling roles with the approach used in the OPM OWL Ontology [1]:

"P is a ProcessExecution that "uses" 40 and 5, and divides them to get 8. 40 is a numerator and 5 is a denominator. The same entity/thing could have different roles with respect to different processes. For e.g.
(a) 40 / 5 = 8 by PE p1

(b) 8 / 2 = 4 by PE p2,

where 8 plays the roles of "result" and "numerator" respectively.

After some discussion among the ontology group, I have created two diagrams (attached) that illustrate how the above example will be modeled as RDF (corresponding to an PROV-O schema modeled in RDFS,  OWL):
1. OPMO-approach-Classes.jpg - models n-ary properties as classes (e.g Usage, Generation in the diagram) similar to the OPM OWL ontology [1] and also has a Role class.

2. EntityInRole-approach-Classes.jpg - illustrates the current approach in PROV-O using the EntityInRole class.

We will be reviewing these two approaches during our ontology telcon tomorrow at US 12:00noon ET. We will use the:

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200<tel:+1.617.761.6200>, conference 695 ("OWL")
and the regular provenance WG irc (#prov




On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Satya Sahoo <<>> wrote:
Hi Paul,
We are having some discussions in the ontology group using an example from James illustrating the encoding using n-ary property as classes and using the EntityInRole class. I will share the encodings tomorrow.



On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Paul Groth <<>> wrote:
Hi Satya, and PROV-O team,

It would be great for the working group to be able to review the proposed encodings of the used/generatedBy relations before Monday's call as it would allow those that can't take part on the call to comment ahead of it.

Is it possible to have them by Sunday?

I know it's the weekend but it would be really helpful.



Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 02:55:45 UTC