Re: about EntityInRole and assumedBy

On Oct 28, 2011 4:27 PM, "Daniel Garijo" <>

> Something similar happens to the second approach: we can link directly
the process to the entity with
> the "used" property, and if we need more information, then we use the
"EntityInRole" for adding the time,
> location, role, etc. What imo can be confusing here is that we would have
2 entities for refering to the same
> "usage" relationship.

Which is the reason for prov:assumedBy being a more specific version of
prov:wasComplementOf; instead of two good friends being used, it was the
very same use, and so the use time etc stated about the EntityInRole also
applies to the Entity. The EiR does complement the E in a sense, by adding
any qualifier attributes and the prov:assumedRole attribute.

This also easily allows multiple use of same entity with different
roles/qualifiers. (not sure about multiple use of same role!)

Received on Sunday, 30 October 2011 00:31:07 UTC