PROV-ISSUE-115 (Tlebo): prov:preceded should be replaced with prov:followed [Formal Model]

PROV-ISSUE-115 (Tlebo): prov:preceded should be replaced with prov:followed [Formal Model]

Raised by: Timothy Lebo
On product: Formal Model

All other predicates are pointing from the newer rdfs:Resource to the older rdfs:Resource (e.g. prov:wasDerivedFrom).

This "backwards looking" paradigm makes sense because we need to describe newer things in terms of the older things sitting around.

prov:preceded is inconsistent with this paradigm, as it "looks forwards" to the newer one, which may not exist yet.

I recommend we REPLACE prov:preceded with prov:followed and reverse the definition. To keep the ontology trim, we should leave the definition of prov:followed's inverse to an extension.

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2011 13:56:54 UTC