Re: PROV-ISSUE-135 (collection-names): Collection relations have confusing names [Data Model]

Hi Stian

sorry I am only picking this up now. Going through a massive backlog. I am still the first to respond, anyway.

I agree that the use of passive in relation names may be confusing. Regarding your specific proposals copied below:

here is a counter-proposal. if we wanted to stay consistent with the (slightly obsessive) use of passive, how about


I am not sure I like the "by" and "at" suffixes. "key" and "value" should stay as they denote the dictionary data structures used. 
So how about:




> As I discussed this, we found that wasAddedTo_Coll(c2,c1) means c2 is like a superset of c1 - but without requiring either to be a set. So we think PROV-DM are describing something like a bag collection of (key,value) pairs, but did not bother checking wikipedia what the equivalent of superset and subset is for bags.
> Instead I just opted for "expansion" and "reduction", and use verbs that relate the actual entities:
> :col2 a prov:Collection ;
>      prov:wasExpandedFrom :col1 ;
>      prov:wasExpandedBy :e2 ;
>      prov:wasExpandedAt :key2 .
> corresponding to:
>    wasAddedTo_Coll(c2,c1)
>    wasAddedTo_Key(c2,k1)
>    wasAddedTo_Entity(c2,e1)

> and equivalent for reduction:
> :col3 a prov:Collection ;
>      prov:wasReducedFrom :col2 ;
>      prov:wasReducedAt :key1 .

On 10/30/11 12:05 AM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-135 (collection-names): Collection relations have confusing names [Data Model]
> Raised by: Stian Soiland-Reyes
> On product: Data Model
> introduces relations for expressing collections;
>> Expression: wasAddedTo_Coll(c2,c1) (resp. wasRemovedFrom_Coll(c2,c1)) denotes that collection c2 is an updated version of collection c1, following an insertion (resp. deletion) operation.
>> Expression: wasAddedTo_Key(c,k) (resp. wasRemovedFrom_Key(c,k)) denotes that collection c had a new value with key k added to (resp. removed from) it.
>> Expression: wasAddedTo_Entity(c,e) denotes that collection c had entity e added to it.
> I discussed this with some colleagues who are new to PROV, and they found the names very confusing. For instance wasAddedTo_Coll(c2, c1) sounds like c2 was added to c1.
> I understand that this _Coll/Key/Entity dispatching is to keep these as wasDerivedFrom subproperites, and avoid introducing an explicit process execution with three different usage roles.
> When encoding this for PROV-O I decided to rename them, but keep them as subproperties of prov:wasDerivedFrom:
> As I discussed this, we found that wasAddedTo_Coll(c2,c1) means c2 is like a superset of c1 - but without requiring either to be a set. So we think PROV-DM are describing something like a bag collection of (key,value) pairs, but did not bother checking wikipedia what the equivalent of superset and subset is for bags.
> Instead I just opted for "expansion" and "reduction", and use verbs that relate the actual entities:
> :col2 a prov:Collection ;
>      prov:wasExpandedFrom :col1 ;
>      prov:wasExpandedBy :e2 ;
>      prov:wasExpandedAt :key2 .
> corresponding to:
>    wasAddedTo_Coll(c2,c1)
>    wasAddedTo_Key(c2,k1)
>    wasAddedTo_Entity(c2,e1)
> and equivalent for reduction:
> :col3 a prov:Collection ;
>      prov:wasReducedFrom :col2 ;
>      prov:wasReducedAt :key1 .
> I propose to rename the PROV-DM relations for collections to match the PROV-O style above.

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Paolo Missier -,
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University,  UK

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 11:08:30 UTC