Re: Bobs, IVP and time intervals

>> However, each instance of Luc in Boston will have its own identity.
>> Do we share this view?

Agreed, If we assume that the properties that are attached to a bob are 
not sufficient to uniquely identify it, then the state should not be 
used as a means for identifying bobs. In other words, two bobs that 
refers to the same state of the same entity, may have different identities.

This raises the following question: Do we need to (uniquely) identify Bobs?


> Yes.  Lets bring up an example scenario so we have something more 
> visual to talk about :-)
> I've been thinking of what we called bob at the F2F1 as applying to a 
> continuous time interval which is a subset of the referenced entity's 
> continuous time interval for which some contextully-important mutable 
> characteristics of the referenced entity are held to immutable.
> |<------------------------------------ Physical Object A 
> Exists--------------------------------------------------------|
> |<----- A OwnedBy Person B--->O<---A OwnedBy Person C------>O<---A 
> OwnedBy Person D--->|
> O is a ProcessExecution by which ownership of Physical Object A 
> changes.  Agents involved in the ProcessExecution may include the 
> selling and buying Agents.
> In my simple diagram above, Person D could sell Object A back to 
> Person B at some point in time, and the two bobs that represent "A 
> OwnedBy Person B" would have their own identity because represent 
> different time intervals.
> --Stephan
>> Regards,
>> Luc
>> On 07/14/2011 04:00 PM, Stephan Zednik wrote:
>>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Cresswell, Stephen wrote:
>>>> Does a bob describe an entity over some continuous time interval?
>>> This description matches well with how I have been interpreting bob.
>>> --Stephan
>> -- 
>> Professor Luc Moreau
>> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
>> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
>> Southampton SO17 1BJ     
>> United Kingdom

Received on Saturday, 16 July 2011 11:06:24 UTC